Manage the security posture of your applications at every stage of development

Reduce the high costs associated with late identification and correction of vulnerabilities in your applications and eliminate silos between security and development.

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Transform the way your team develops secure software

manage the risks
risk management
Manage the risks associated with your assets
Map and manage all of your organization's assets. Track key metrics and KPIs for assertive and contextualized management of your applications' security.
Visibility and Management
Manage component security efficiently
With the SBOM generation feature, you ensure continuous and detailed visibility of your application's components and dependencies. Monitor everything in real-time and ensure compliance with best security practices and regulatory requirements, minimizing risks and strengthening your security posture.
manage the risks
projects screamprojects scream
Integrate security at the beginning of the pipeline
Define, manage, and organize your AppSec program. Automates threat modeling, defines secure development requirements and policies, allowing security to be part of the early stages of your development and avoiding costs associated with rework.
third step
Get more control over software security - Secure Pipeline allows a unified view of all tests that have already run or are still running in the application in development. Monitor security in all your application deploys.
Orchestrate and execute automated tests
Integrate the Conviso Platform with your automated testing tools or run it through our native AST solution, which provides comprehensive coverage for SAST, DAST, SCA, and Container.
tela de projetos
Reduce efforts in findings analysis
Correlate vulnerabilities from different sources and deduplicate similar vulnerabilities, reducing the effort dedicated to individually analyzing automated scans.
Prioritization and triage
Manage vulnerabilities with context
Access a complete workflow for vulnerability management, going far beyond simple status changes and integration with ticketing tools. Gain insights to prioritize vulnerability fixes based on your organization's context and risks.
manage vulnerabilities

Transform the way your team develops secure software

risk management
Manage the risks associated with your assets
Map and manage all of your organization's assets. Track key metrics and KPIs for assertive and contextualized management of your applications' security.
Visibility and Management
Manage component security efficiently
With the SBOM generation feature, you ensure continuous and detailed visibility of your application's components and dependencies. Monitor everything in real-time and ensure compliance with best security practices and regulatory requirements, minimizing risks and strengthening your security posture.
tela de projetos
Integrate security at the beginning of the pipeline
Define, manage, and organize your AppSec program. Automates threat modeling, defines secure development requirements and policies, allowing security to be part of the early stages of your development and avoiding costs associated with rework.
third step
Get more control over software security - Secure Pipeline allows a unified view of all tests that have already run or are still running in the application in development. Monitor security in all your application deploys.
Orchestrate and execute automated tests
Integrate the Conviso Platform with your automated testing tools or run it through our native AST solution, which provides comprehensive coverage for SAST, DAST, IAST, SCA, and Container.
tela de projetos
Reduce efforts in findings analysis
Correlate vulnerabilities from different sources and deduplicate similar vulnerabilities, reducing the effort dedicated to individually analyzing automated scans.
Prioritization and triage
Manage vulnerabilities with context
Access a complete workflow for vulnerability management, going far beyond simple status changes and integration with ticketing tools. Gain insights to prioritize vulnerability fixes based on your organization's context and risks.

Transforme a forma como seu time desenvolve software seguro

Controle de acesso e definição de perfis

Defina as permissões necessárias para cada perfil conforme as suas necessidades, garantindo um maior controle e segurança dos dados tratados.

Definição de requisitos e políticas

Estabeleça os requisitos necessários para o desenvolvimento das suas aplicações e defina políticas de segurança para evitar atraso e falhas de segurança na entrega do software.

Gestão de projetos e iniciativas de segurança

Gerencie suas iniciativas de segurança na plataforma, permitindo uma visão unificada e em tempo real do status de cada projeto e direcionando as atividades necessárias para os times envolvidos.

Correlação e dedup de vulnerabilidades

A plataforma realiza um processo de correlação das vulnerabilidades identificadas e remove as que estiverem em duplicidade, permitindo a priorização e agilidade na correlação.

Orquestração de análises de segurança

A integração de ferramentas de scans de segurança, permite que a Conviso Platform orquestre, agregue e correlacione todos os scans executados, possibilitando um maior controle e praticidade na gestão de diversas ferramentas.

Base de conhecimento

Crie uma base de conhecimento interna, através de templates de vulnerabilidades, obtenha insights sobre seu processo de desenvolvimento seguro.

Modelagem de ameaças automatizada

Através da plataforma é possível realizar o processo de modelagem de ameaças de uma aplicação de maneira automatizada, permitindo que a segurança seja pensada nas etapas iniciais do desenvolvimento.

Dashboard intuitivo

O Dashboard da Conviso Platform, permite uma visão direcionada aos principais indicadores e KPIs relacionados à segurança das suas aplicações, fornecendo todas as informações necessárias aos StakeHolders envolvidos no desenvolvimento.

Security Experts

Transforme a segurança parte da cultura do seu time.  Elimine as barreiras entre os times de segurança e desenvolvimento e facilite a interação e colaboração.

Security Feed

Visualize os principais insights e informações para aumentar a segurança das suas aplicações, de maneira prática e objetiva.

Gestão de Produtos

Reune todos os detalhes necessários sobre os seus produtos, fornecendo uma visão dos riscos associados e permitindo uma gestão mais eficiente das suas aplicações.


Go beyond simple vulnerability identification

With our Developers plan, you have access to our team of experts dedicated to identifying potential risks and enhancing your application's security.

Support in structuring threat modeling
Assistance in defining requirements for secure development
Execution of automated tests throughout the pipeline
Manual code review of new code snippets
Mitigation of vulnerabilities identified through analyses
Guidance on vulnerability correction and submission of secure code
exemplo de processo contínuoLearn more

Perform security tests throughout the development cycle

Obtain a consolidated and clear view of the risks with each new deployment. Respond rapidly to threats and ensure the security of your applications.

Pipeline integrationIdentify and proactively address issues through effective integration from the outset of development.

Comprehensive coverageAutomated analyses across multiple layers, including SAST, SCA, DAST, IaC, and containers.

Automated testingContinuous and automated monitoring surpassing one-time analyses.

The Conviso Platform integrates with various CI/CD tools, security scanners, defect trackers,
and more, providing optimized results and centralizing your management process.

Get to know our plans


Up to 5 contributing developers
5 Assets
10 Usuários
2 Integrações

Bring security to your development pipeline



/by contribuiter dev
/per month

  • 5 Assets
  • 10 Users
  • 2 Integrations

Até 5 desenvolvedores contribuintes

Sign up now>


+ 5 contributing developers

Increase the security maturity of your applications



/per contribuiter dev
/per month

$2,040 charged per year

  • Unlimited assets
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited integrations

Até 5 desenvolvedores contribuidores

Start today

Free Features

  • Asset Risk Score
  • Asset Management
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Application Security Testing Orchestration (ASTO)
  • Insight & Analytics
  • Security Experts
  • Dashboard
  • Application Security Testing (SAST, DAST, IAS, SCA, Container)

All features from Free plus:

  • Secure by Design
  • Policies
  • Custom Vulnerabilities Template
  • Teams
  • Custom Dashboard
  • Business Units
  • Rich API
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Get up to a 30x return on your Development FTE investment

Talk to our team and discover all the benefits that Conviso Platform can offer for secure development processes.
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FAQ Conviso Platform

Find quick answers about our ASMP solution.

Still have questions? Access our detailed documentation or chat with our team.

Qual é a engine utilizada para análises automatizadas?

A Conviso recentemente adquiriu a N-Stalker, uma solução de DAST amplamente reconhecida no mercado global de segurança de aplicações, e a incorporou à sua plataforma. Isso permitiu a realização de análises dinâmicas por meio de uma solução própria.

Além disso, as análises de código estático (SAST) são conduzidas utilizando a engine do Nessus, que está integrada à nossa plataforma.

Acesse nosso White Paper sobre a Conviso Platform

Uma plataforma de gestão de AppSec especialmente projetada para equipes de desenvolvimento