Specialized AppSec Consulting + Platform

Protect your organization against fraud and cyberattacks with experts in Application Security

From financial institutions to companies that store sensitive data, Conviso has been supporting clients worldwide for over 16 years in implementing a culture of secure development.

AppSec as a culture for Development teams

Identify, prioritize, eliminate, and prevent vulnerabilities with solutions that are a reference in AppSec

By incorporating security best practices from the very beginning of software development, reduce the risk of exposure for your business and protect your clients.

Eliminate costs associated with late vulnerability remediation

Turn your Devs into a reference for secure coding

Increase the security maturity of your applications

Specialized services
From building AppSec programs to pentests and cloud security, Conviso offers consultancy, offensive security services, and specialized training tailored to your business needs.
Conviso Platform
Proprietary tool that follows the journey of secure software development, allowing for the management of the security posture of applications, as well as offering additional resources that complement the experience and training of the developer.
Services + Software
Combining the expertise of a specialized AppSec team and internally developed tools, designed by developers for developers, discover the experience that only Conviso offers to companies seeking robust solutions for the security of their applications.
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